Since 1907 both buyers and sellers have trusted LaBudde to meet their needs. Personal experience has prompted many to do business with us on a continuing basis. We point with pride to customers and suppliers that have done business with us for over 50 years! They have seen for themselves that LaBudde will deliver what we say, whether it is the best price for a product or the best product for the price. We will not offer a product or service that we do not believe in or cannot take personal pride in offering at the requested price level. Here are some of the leading reasons that LaBudde Group is the partner that many turn to again and again. I feel these reasons will be important to you as well.
LaBudde Group’s long-term success is built on having a ready supply of products available whenever a customer calls. Achieving this means building an extremely strong network of suppliers. Relationships, both large and small, are in place to take out the peaks and valleys you may experience with a single source supplier. Because of our excellent reputation, LaBudde Group is constantly adding to their supply sources. We are pleased that when ethics and integrity are thought of in the feed industry, LaBudde is the first name that comes to the mind of many.
There are few things we enjoy more than hearing that someone was told to “call LaBudde because they can find (or sell) anything”. This indicates our ability to discover a ready market…or a reliable source of supply…for any item that can be used for feed purposes. We are familiar with and can easily work with the Research and Development stage in your industry.
No one person can be expected to be an expert in every facet of his or her industry. That is why there is a LaBudde Group. Our Group is a diverse team of experts in specific markets and areas, each monitoring prices and conditions worldwide that may affect you. By working together, we see opportunities for you that industry-specific suppliers might miss.
Whether it is arranging transportation, warehousing, processing, or just-in-time delivery, LaBudde Group, through its Lawndale Logistics Division, has the resources. Simply name the outcome you require and we can handle the complete logistics of making it happen. For both suppliers and customers this means a more abundant supply of the scarcest resource of all; the time to focus your attention on all the other things that you need to get done.
We look forward to a long and profitable relationship together. We know that our most important job is to make you look good.
Sincerely yours,
Richard T. Erickson
“To teach you truth, reliable words, to give sound answers to the ones who sent you.” Proverbs 22:21